[Translate] KARA messages in uraKARA DVD box set

Goddess Park Gyuri
uraKARA to me is the treasure that i never be able to forget in my life. My heart is full of thankful feeling to all staffs & all actors who did film this drama together with us as well as all our fans who always support us. Thank you so much.

Hamtaro Han Seungyeon
It's so lucky that my first drama is uraKARA. The filming was over in a really short time but the joy of filming drama were still bright and excited inside me. I had gathered up all my strength to film this drama together with all hearty people. And i believe that you guys shall definitely enjoy watching it.

Gossain Bolt Goo Hara
The first acting experience was really fun. I could learn the other way to express my feeling beside singing expression. I still want to challenge in acting field later. Everyone, i hope you will enjoy watching uraKARA.

Cutie Pie Nicole Jung
At first, i was worry thinking "Are we able to act in a drama?"..... But the other actors also have the start, and since i have a lot of people behind to help me as well as getting lots of support from our fans, finally our filming was able to come to an end. Right now i feel like i has achieved everything. Thank you so much for supporting us.

Giant Baby Kang Jiyoung
If i watch uraKARA again, i often reflect upon "I could do it better like this at this scene..." But it's still a very good experience since i'm able to learn acting like this. Please watching for our hard-working.

original source: 마늘오리당근 @ dccarrot
korean translation: guichan.tistory.com
© haradaily.tumblr.com
shared by pan2cute

uraKARA such a big deal for our girls! with this show they able to move forward in a good way!
now gyul on musical, hara on city hunter drama, I hope the other member could shine more and more too~
especially my bias, nicole ^^

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